Performance Management

Performance management & performance appraisals systems ?

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Performance management & appraisal systems.

Helping employees understand what is expected of them and how they are performing their role helps the business achieve its business plans.

Not everyone likes being singled out for praise or criticism, but meetings and reviews of performance provides a clear communication mechanism that enables both manager and employee to focus on the individual. 

KeyHR will listen to your business needs then help design, implement and evaluate how managers and employees share information on performance in the workplace. 

We can work with you to help managers plan, engage and record a formal review of an individual’s performance in their role. Coaching and supporting managers to enable them to encourage further development, offer further training and record via career development or performance improvement plans the activities an employee needs to achieve to reach or exceed the standards or targets required by the business.

Help and support to identify and manage employees performance .

Appraisal systems designed to meet your current and future business needs

Setting clear goals and performance targets for all your employees

Identify current / future skills gaps and development of employees skills to fill them

We provide all performance management systems & templates needed   

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Performance management FAQ

  • What is performance management?

    Performance management is the process of managing, coaching, developing, and evaluating employees in order to maximise the value an employee has to the business.

  • What is the difference between an appraisal and performance review?

    A performance review and an appraisal are in essence the same thing. They provide a formal documented account of  employees performance during the period being reviewed.

  • What is the purpose of conducting an appraisal / performance review?

    An appraisal or performance review looks back at an employees performance to date and then looks forward to the their required performance over the next period. 

    It allows a business  to set clear goals and targets for an employee which you can then monitor and assess their performance against.

  • Will undertaking performance reviews / appraisals help my bottom line ?

    The simple answer is yes:

    Without a formal way of identifying your employees skills and skill gaps how will you be able to make sure that you have the right people in place at the right time to support your business needs.

    It will also allow you to identify areas when employees are underperforming and gives you the documented evidence needed to take appropriate action. 

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